Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby A!

Miss A was in the best mood during her session. She knows she is cute and was showing us this day. It was a blast! She even took a few steps for us - it was really exciting! A is going to be a big sister next month so you'll be seeing more of her for sure.

I can't wait to show you the rest of her session, N.


Unknown said...

OMWord I love that dress!
The little one so adorable,as well.
they sure do know how to get into that cake!
So cute.

Matt said...

Those are great pictures on composition. She looks a bit like my daughter did at that age. The only difference is you'd never have gotten the pre-destroyed cake shot in time.

Matt said...

Ha. Actually, on a second look I realized you didn't get a pre-destroyed cake shot with this one, either.

Lisa said...

I actually did get some before she got her hands on the cake lol. I'm FAST!


great pics

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness -- that cake. What a great idea! Can I ask you what she is sitting on -- the reflective surface?

Lisa said...

Thank you! She is sitting on a piece of plexiboard. I think that is the's clear plastic.